TiMoer-Platform for East Java Batik Branding

TiMoer-Platform for East Java Batik Branding

TiMoer-Platform for East Java Batik Branding

harianfakta.com – Background

East Java consists of 38 regencies/cities which have unique, varied and exotic batik motifs and colors (Anshori and Kusriyanto, 2011). Referring to data from East Java Kominfo and East Java Dekranasda (2017), there are 9,824 small and medium industries (IKM) of East Java batik. However, this typical East Java batik is not as popular as Central Java and Yogyakarta batik, even though batik in 2019 has been designated by UNESCO as a cultural heritage from Indonesia. As a cultural heritage, East Java batik also needs to be preserved by increasing consumer interest in East Java batik so that East Java batik can continue to produce. Batik marketing in East Java is still local and conventional, word of mouth (Hermawati et al, 2017, and Murtadlo, 2013). This means that there is no effective marketing place for East Java batik producers to promote their batik at the regional, national and even international levels. Due to the limited marketing space, people are not too familiar with the various types of East Javanese batik.

Marketing is still conventional and the assumption that batik is only for the old age has also caused East Java batik enthusiasts to be limited to certain circles and less well known, especially among the young. East Java batik, such as patterns, motifs, the origin of batik, the value in it, is still very low. According to BPS 2019 data, young people in Indonesia are 64.19 million people, which is 24.01% of the population. This means that, with this number, young people are also a potential market. Millennial consumers depend on information technology when deciding to buy a product (Putri, 2019). To enter this potential market, marketing techniques must also be changed from conventional to digital marketing that adapts to the lifestyle of young people in the industrial era 4.0. According to Katadata Insight Center Research, generation Z and millennials contribute up to 85% of total transactions in e-commerce.

Based on these problems, the idea of TiMoer was proposed, a creative digital marketplace specifically for IKM East Java batik with eye-catching features and appearance that are adapted to lifestyles of various ages so that East Java batik is widely known. According to Brown’s opinion (in Dwiastuti et al, 2012) that consumer satisfaction is determined by achieving consumer needs, desires and expectations of a product through the appearance of products and services. For this reason, this creative digital marketplace was initiated so that East Java batik producers could market their batik in an attractive and impressive way using consumer-focused augmented reality and virtual reality technology.

About TiMoer

The available features can educate consumers about East Java batik and involve consumers in being creative in designing clothing models from East Javanese batik according to their posture and style. This innovation is aimed at increasing the popularity and interest in buying East Java Typical batik in the community so as to make it easier for East Java Typical batik businesses to market their products.

Creative, educational and entertaining concepts are TiMoer’s mainstay to help the government, especially the East Java government, in improving the creative economy in the industrial era 4.0. This idea is aimed at achieving SDGs no 17 Partnership to achieve goals and SDGs no 8 Economic growth and decent work.

TiMoer, which promotes creative and entertaining concepts in its marketplace, presents TiMoer Daily Market (BDM) and TiMoer Virtual Expo (BVE) using Virtual Reality (VR) technology. In order to be able to use this feature, consumers are asked to select a batik region first and can make arrangements. After that consumers can feel the experience of browsing and as if they were in a real transaction situation. Consumers seem to be able to communicate directly with sellers and browse East Java batik products at every IKM booth. BDM and BVE are connected with the Klambee Mix-Match feature by simply clicking on the desired batik product. With this feature, consumers can create batik cloth into clothes according to the style and posture of consumers, as if consumers were wearing clothes according to their dreams. This feature uses AR (Augmented Reality) technology. Its main function is to make it easier for consumers to do fittings virtually without having to use the physical material. (visualization design: consumers use BDM and mix-match with AR technology).

Then the next concept is the educational concept. In the Virtual Market, consumers can also click on the batik they choose to find out the history and philosophy of batik, which can be presented textually and also in video. In the Nyanting 360o feature, consumers can explore and see the process of making batik through the virtual tour provided. Meanwhile, for IKM Batik pelapak, Bathi (TiMoer Communthi) is available. This feature facilitates IKM pelapak to receive guidance regarding creative production, branding, and marketing, which is mentored by the TiMoer team in collaboration with the East Java Dekranasda and the City/Regency Dekranasda. (visualization design: Consumers click on batik and Nyanting 360o products, IKM pelapak use the Bathi feature).

The creative concept feature of TiMoer is the theming feature. Features with the characters Among Us, Star Wars, StartUp wrapped in East Javanese batik can be played through a quiz about East Javanese batik. If you play it successfully, you will get points for purchases. This feature aims to impress consumers and keep them looking at the marketplace. Impressions that are well instilled and strong are able to change the image of ancient East Javanese batik into an up to date commodity. If the branding has been developed, consumers will be curious and interested in buying East Java batik products at TiMoer (visualization design: consumers are playing and using TiMoer).

Apart from that, TiMoer also presents promos with conditions: consumers must do a minimum share and post (promotion) as specified. Promos with a system like this will expand marketing quickly. If done massively, brand awareness will get stronger and capture more markets which can increase sales of the East Java batik industry (visualization design: consumers promote East Java batik products through their social media)

The expected result from TiMoer is to create strong branding from East Java batik, thereby facilitating East Java Batik IKM in expanding the market. For entrepreneurs and batik craftsmen in East Java, they will receive the right direction regarding more integrated business and marketing processes. Meanwhile, on the consumer side, this idea will impress the millennial and Z generations and change the image of ancient East Java batik into an up-to-date commodity, thereby making the target market interested in buying East Java batik IKM products. I, Panjenengan, we and TiMoer, provide the right solution to advance the East Java batik industry to be at the forefront. TiMoer, Ajining Raga Saka Busana (visual design: shown the smiles of East Javanese batik craftsmen and entrepreneurs as well as generation Z and millennial girls as representatives of buyers.)

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